Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I am SUCH a fucking idiot!!!

It has been one of those days.  As in, I am ready to scream my fucking head off - kind of day.  Nothing major has happened.  It's just been one tiny thing after another.  I didn't run this morning.  I got up when the alarm went off.  I literally got out of bed and went and got a drink of water, and decided not to run for absolutely NO reason at all.  Just laziness.  I just laid back down.  THAT pisses me off.  To make a long morning short - I was late for work, thanks to the lady-man at the gas station.  Now I have to work late today, in addition to already working late for Monday.  Then my Mom calls about the Civic.  Dad ends up coming here, so I could sign the title of MY car over to him.  Then I get the call that it's not enough.  I have to meet him at the courthouse tomorrow on my lunch.  Now I have to stay late tomorrow too, after I already worked late yesterday.   

I did my weigh in, and measurements last night.  I have lost 2.7 pounds, and 4.5 inches.  But, my lean body mass has decreased, while my fat body mass and percentage of body fat has increased.  GREAT.  That means I am losing muscle, and keeping the fat.  No wonder everything still looks the same to me.  This also means that I am not eating enough.  I have tried the 1200 calorie crap (before I knew better...).  I did the fruit flush (before I knew better).  I have tried figuring out my calories using the BMR/TDEE way.  The NROLFW way.  The here's the latest way to figure it out way.  And guess what? I am at the exact same weight I was at this time last year.  Measurements are pretty close too.  Now, I know between November of 2011 and February of 2012, I gained quite a bit of what I had lost back.  That really pisses me off.  I know I have changed a lot this year - but If I had stuck to it last year, where would I be now?  Its aggravating.

So - It's time for a change.  AGAIN.  I have tried this method once before, and based off of what I found by looking back at my numerous charts, graphs and very detailed blog - I found the method where I actually lost weight without starving myself.  Thank you, HelloitsDan.  Once I read over his road map (again) I realized that I have been eating at my BMR.  Which means – with all the exercise I have been doing, I am netting WAAAYYYYY below my BMR.  My body thinks it’s starving – so it’s using all of the muscles I have been working so hard to gain as fuel, and storing the fat I have been working so hard to get rid of.  That would explain the loss in pounds and lean body mass, and the gain in fat body mass, and percentage of body fat.

Mother.  Fucker. 

I have been working against myself all this time, when I thought I was doing everything right!!!  It FINALLY makes sense!!!  Also, because I am so organized, and I have kept detailed records of everything I have done, and tried – I have all of the original information from the FIRST time I calculated all this out using Dan’s roadmap.  Those numbers are pretty exciting – even if it is a 5 month time span. 

On 3/22, I had 109.6 pounds of Lean Body Mass.  Today that number is 127.1.  That means I have GAINED 17.5 pounds of muscle! (Either that, or my spleen is gaining weight…). 

On 3/22, I had 106.4 pounds of Fat Body Mass.  Today that number is 91.0!  That means I have lost 15.4 pounds of pure FAT off of my body!!!

On 3/22, I had a Body Fat % of 49.3%.  Today that number is 41.7%!!!  That’s a loss of 7.6% Body Fat!!!

On 3/22, my BMR was 1450.  Today it is 1617!

Those are great numbers!  I can only imagine what I would have accomplished had I stayed on this roadmap…

It’s time to get back on the train.  I have everything else right.  I have developed good eating habits.  I have stuck with my exercise program, and even increased it.  I have been drinking a TON of water.  Everything else makes sense now.  The only thing left to do is to give my body more fuel.  It’s time to up the calories again.  1900 Calories on rest days, and 2200 on work out days.  It's time to DO WORK, and get rid of this FAT once and for all. 


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