Tuesday, December 13, 2016

What a difference a day makes!!

It’s amazing what can happen in just one day.  I mean, literally – AMAZING.  At least that’s how I feel today. 

 Yesterday, I was in a bummy mood.  Take one look at my post, and it’s not hard to figure out.  But I refuse to fail this time; I refuse to quit.  So I went to the gym.  I did get my workout in, but it wasn’t my best.  I felt better after I was done, but then disappointed too.  I didn’t work as hard as I could  have.  I gave up just a little too soon.  The endorphins pulled me out of my mood, and I told myself “I’ll do better tomorrow”.  And THAT, I did. 

Today, I beat my own personal records.  It’s not much, it’s not epic, or amazing, or will impress anyone, but they are my records, and I beat them.    And I am walking on air!  I feel like a rock star!!  I literally felt invincible walking out of the gym to my car today.  I am all smiles, and I am actually proud of myself. 

Yesterday, I wanted to quit.  Not for long, but the thought was there.  Today, I totally smashed it.  I pushed for 30 more seconds; one more minute; telling myself “I can do ANYTHING for 45 seconds”.  And I did.  I believed in myself.

I would say that’s a pretty sweet NSV.    

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