Tuesday, December 20, 2016

NSV – Non-Scale Victory!!

Well, I have scale victory too – but we will get to that in a minute.  Last week, I only got to the gym twice.  I did my squats and arms every day, but a dreaded migraine hit, and I was out for the count.  As you all know – when you miss days, it makes it SO much harder to go back, and get back into a routine. 

Yesterday, I had 10 different reasons NOT to go to the gym.  I was exhausted because I only got about 4 hours of sleep the night before.  My workout buddy cancelled on me (for a good reason).  I had enough work to skip lunch altogether.  I could have gone Christmas shopping, or gone to the grocery store.  I actually thought about intentionally leaving my gym bag at home – just so I could say “oops, I forgot”. 

BUT – and here’s the NSV – I DIDN’T! I didn’t give into any of the excuses.  I put the damn bag in the truck in the morning, and I committed to going.  I told myself that even if I only walked on the treadmill, that would be better than nothing at all.  Then on the drive there – which normally takes 5-6 minutes – traffic was SHIT.  It literally took me 24 minutes to get to the gym – so my already short workout time was now MUCH shorter.  So I decided to go as hard as I could.  I hit the stair master (better cardio, better sweat, more calories for the time).  And just like last week, I surprised myself. 

I’m almost embarrassed to admit this, but this is my blog and my journey – so why not be honest about it?  I am OUT OF SHAPE.  I am still retraining my lungs from when I was a smoker.  When I first started on the stair master 3 weeks ago – I was only able to go for 4.5 minutes.  TOTAL.  And I took lots of breaks.  Each day I have gone to the gym, I have tried to stay on the machine a little bit longer, and try to go a little bit longer before I took a break, and in-between breaks.  Yesterday, I was on the treadmill for 10 minutes.  I went 3 full minutes without having to take a break.  And then, I was able to rest for about 30 seconds before going another 2 minutes before the next break.  Eventually, I will go the full 10 minutes without taking a break – and then I’ll start adding time. 

As I said last week, it isn’t much.  It’s not epic, or amazing, or impressive to anyone but me.  But again – just like last week, they are my records, and I’m beating them every day.  My lungs and my body are getting stronger.  And it is paying off – both mentally and physically.  In 4 weeks, I have lost 10.4 pounds, and 10.75 inches off my body. 

I’m proud of myself – so make that TWO NSVs this week!  

I am headed to the gym here in a few to tackle another day.  Tomorrow is rest day from the Gym – but the squat challenge is out to kill me – 145 squats tomorrow!  Till next time… 

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