Monday, January 30, 2012

It's a Case of the Monday's...

It's Monday - so we are already not off to a good start.  I hate Mondays.  I literally LOATHE Mondays.  So for the Biggest Loser competition here at work, guess what day they chose as weigh in day.  MONDAY!  Great.  One more reason for me to hate Mondays.  Especially today.  After having a loss last week, I was extremely disappointed to get on the scale today only to realize I had gained 2.6 pounds.  That's more that I wanted to lose per week. 

And so I sat and sulked.  How did I gain weight?  I can't believe I gained!!!  Something must be wrong with this scale.  I KNOW that can't be right.  It just can't. 

And as I sat and sulked, the little horrific devil on my shoulder started whispering to me...  "Maybe its because you didn't work out", "Well you did eat all those cream pies and cookies last week", "Or, it could have been the chips and the Mt. Dew, and the pizza, and french fries, and ribs".

Damn Devil.

Except it's not the Devil.  These are the choices that I made this week.  I have fallen back on all of my old habits.  I chose not to work out.  I chose to eat like I have the body of a supermodel and the metabolism of a toddler.  I would say that I chose to make excuses, but I didn't even make excuses.  I did it because I felt like it.  Another cream pie?  SURE - why the hell not?  A few more chips?  Screw it!  Eat the whole bag. 

I am so UN motivated to do this.  I really can't get into it, and I am not sure why.  I just want the weight to go away on it's own.  Can someone find me a diet where I lose 5 pounds for every bag of Dorito's I eat?

Sooooo Discouraged - and yet, still highly un-motivated. 

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