Monday, January 23, 2012

Time for change

So I moved my blog to this location, and changed the name. Number one, no one ever read the old version. Number two, as I become more involved in, people started asking me to write a blog- well, a book actually. And it got me thinking, while I am making all of these life long changes- why the hell not? I have moved all my posts from the old blog to this one (this is currently under construction). The new plan is to write for myself on here, and my favorite posts, I will add to my blog on

So, today... We had our first weigh in for the Biggest Loser contest at work. I lost 4.7 pounds. This was a big accomplishment for me. In just 7 day, I doubled what I normally lose per week. And low and behold... I am motivated again. Funny how that happens.

The goal now is to continue on my journey, continue becoming the best version of myself, and maybe write a best selling book along the way. :)

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