Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Not sure if I am going to do Atkins now...

With doing this Biggest Loser competition at work, a lot of the girls are doing Atkins, and are producing some impressive numbers.  I was planning on starting the induction phase of Atkins on this coming Monday.  I signed up on Atkins website, and they sent me some free stuff in the mail.  They even sent me a few free samples of their Atkins meal bars. 

I thought I would try a few out this week, so that I knew which ones I liked, and which ones I didn't, so that I could buy more when I went to the store this weekend.  I had one for breakfast at work yesterday.  The chocolate chip crisp bar smelled kinda funny, and tasted a little off, but I thought it was just because it was "diet" food.  I was wrong.  It had coconut in it, which I am allergic to.  I ended up having an anaphallactyc reaction to it, and had to leave work to get home to my EPI pen. 

I think it's a sign.  The very first Atkins related product I have ever eaten in my whole life, tried to kill me.  No, Thank YOU Atkins.  Back to low fat, low calorie diet. 

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