Monday, November 7, 2011

I got 99 problems...

Okay - So it is Day 99.  I still have not posted my November measurements/ weigh-in information.  This is not the only area I have been slacking off in.  I am severely disappointed in myself.  I promised myself that I would start to work out daily on the 1st.  It is the 7th, and I have done ONE workout.  I have been eating, and drinking, whatever in the hell I have wanted to.  I have not been keeping track of anything on  I have not been drinking water.  And I have not been getting on the scale every day like I had been doing for the previous 99 days.  Maybe that is why when I got on the scale this morning, I realized I had put ON 4.5 pounds in just 7 days.

I am disgusted with myself.  This is something that I want SO bad.  But what?  I just want the weight to magically disappear?  Jillian Michaels yells at me during every workout (that I do) that this weight ain't gonna lose itself.  It takes work, and dedication.  What's worse is, I got so MANY compliments in the last week about how good I look.  SO DAMNNIT!!!  I am BACK ON THE WAGON.  

I literally got on the scale this morning, and that number I saw blinking back at me lit a fire under my ass.  Within 5 minutes, I had packed my lunch, and drank a 12 oz glass of water.  I did forget to grab my binder on the way out the door this morning, so the pictures and weigh in information will be posted on here TOMORROW.  I will be checking in daily.  I am over it, and I sure as hell am not putting ONE more pound back on.  I have 24 days to lose 14 pounds.  It's time to DO WORK.

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