Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November Weigh in Day!

The results are in!!!

Age: 28 Years old
Height: 5'10

Weight: 209.4

Waist: 42

Hips: 45.5

Chest: 44.0

Right Arm: 13.0

Left Arm: 12.5

Right Thigh: 23.0

Left Thigh: 23.0

Neck:  14.0

Body Fat %: 40.5

Water %:  43.4

Muscle:  61.0

BMI:  29.7

Number of pounds lost: 0
Number of inches lost: 7.0
Percentage of Body Fat lost: Gained 1.40%
Goal: 170 pounds
Pounds left to Lose: 39.4

Okay - so there is good AND bad here.  I didn't lose any weight, but I did lose a total of 7 inches.  Now it's time to get back to business.  :)  ##FUCKINFOCUSED!!!

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