Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Weekend Update

Wow!  What a weekend!  I was NON STOP from 5:30 am on Friday, until after 10:00 pm on Sunday... it was way too busy, but also so much fun, and way worth it.  :)

My waistline does not agree with what I just stated.  Between the wedding cake on Friday, and the not eating Saturday (I literally ate for the first time at 9:15 pm on Saturday), and then the snacks and the Thanksgiving dinner with Krista and Dana on Sunday, and then left overs on Monday with Matt's parents... My diet is 9 kinds of screwed up. 

So, I started the fruit flush this morning.  :)  I have actually had the vanilla protein for a few weeks now, but I have been using it for smoothies, not on it's own.  Today is protein shake day.  And the vanilla is YUMMY!  So, I am off the workouts for a few days, but by the weekend, I should be right back on track. 


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