Thursday, September 1, 2011


The results are in!!!

Age: 28 Years old

Height: 5'10

Weight: 220.2

Waist: 44.5

Hips: 47

Chest: 45

Right Arm: 13

Left Arm: 12.5

Right Thigh: 25.25

Left Thigh: 24

Neck:  15.5

Body Fat %: 43.5

Water %:  41.2

Muscle:  59.4

BMI:  31.1

Number of pounds lost: 9.8

Number of inches lost: 12.25

% of Body Fat lost: 2.10%

Goal: 170 pounds
Pounds left to Lose: 50.2

So, I cam in 2 OUNCES more than I wanted to.  I am blaming it on Dana for feeding me Pizza the other night.  LOL - I'm just kidding.  I am actually happy with the results.  I weighed myself every day, and it fluctuates every day.  When I got on the scale yesterday morning - it said 220.2.  Today it said 218.7.  So, as long as I am close to the mark, I am happy.  :)  Plus, I lost a total of 12 INCHES off of my body!  I think that is AMAZING!!!  Not so happy about the loss in the boobs, but in my waist and my thighs... MY GOD!!!  Jillian is AMAZING!!!  I can't wait to see what next month's weigh in brings.  :

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