Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Year From Now...

Well – guess what.  Here I am again, with ZERO news to report.  I was so excited the day I wrote my last post, and then… nothing.  Literally nothing.  I haven’t counted calories once.  I haven’t worked out once.  I did weigh myself, and that made me want to eat my feelings. 
And so here we are, a month later, and another 2 pounds heavier.  I am so disgusted and frustrated with myself – but I’m here.  I have a friend at work who feels the same, and is ready to do something about it.  We are going to do this together – we’re going to be Workout/weight loss buddies.  Someone to commiserate with, to work-out with, to keep me accountable, and I’ll be that person for her. 
We have decide to start on Monday.  I am also going to go back to the 5:2.  We agreed we would work out 3 days a week together, pack everyday (so we wouldn’t be tempted to go out to eat with someone else) and be available for moments of weakness via text.  We also agreed to commit to at least 30 days – as that is supposedly the length of time it takes to form a new habit. 
The only thing that I am adding to that at this point, is to write it down.  I will write it  here, but I am also writing it down to have copies hanging at my desk at work, and on the fridge at home.  I read that if you write your goals down, you are 50% more likely to achieve them than someone who doesn’t write them down.  So here they are:
1.)    Take “Before” Pictures
2.)    Weigh in each Monday morning and take measurements.
3.)    Work out 3 days each week for at least 30 minutes
4.)    Fast 2 days of each week for the next 4 weeks
5.)    NO eating out for lunch during the work week
6.)    Stay within calorie target of 1850 to 2100
I have been doing this for too long.  I have been fighting this battle for too long.  For TOO MANY years, I have looked to a quote for inspiration.  It really resonates with me - because it is so true. I know that from the many years I have been fighting.  "A year from now, you'll wish you started today".  I wish I stuck to it 8 years ago - 5 years ago - a year ago, 6 months ago, last month.  I wish I had done it differently.  I wish I had stuck to it - stuck with it.  I wish I had believed in myself more, thought more of myself and my worth. 
So here we are again - and maybe this time next year, I won't have to wish I had already started. 

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