Monday, October 17, 2016

Day One of the "Forever" Challenge.

I hate her. 

I ask her what kind of Challenge we are doing - and she says forever.  REALLY?  I'm having issues with a week a time - and she wants to call it Forever.  She, by the way, would be Shelby.  She is my partner in crime on this little journey - so you'll be hearing about her more often.  Welcome to the party. 

I don't like the "Forever Challenge"... so it will be re-named, as soon as I am witty enough to come up with a name. 

I weighed in this morning at 255.8.  I took my measurements, and have been drinking my water.  Today is a fast day - so I get about 500 calories today.  I am going to the store on lunch today - pick up water, food for the next few days, a jump rope and some new work out clothes - plus I will be walking around the store rather than eating. 

I REALLY am going to try to do better...  Below are the goals I have set for myself for this week (Just a reminder). 

1.)    Take “Before” Pictures
2.)    Weigh in each Monday morning and take measurements.
3.)    Work out 3 days each week for at least 30 minutes
4.)    Fast 2 days of each week for the next 4 weeks
5.)    NO eating out for lunch during the work week
6.)    Stay within calorie target of 1850 to 2100

Here WE GO!


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