Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Can someone pull this machete out of my head?

Day 28. 




How can someone have a migraine for 28 days, you ask?  Good question.  The doctors don't seem to know the answer either.  I finally went to the Chiropractor yesterday to see if they had any insight.  Of course they found something wrong.  Something is wrong with my neck, on the left side, at the base of my skull.  But they aren't positive what it is, and I won't get the results of the EMG or the X-Rays until tomorrow.  In the mean-time, they started me on massage therapy, shot me with a laser, stuck needles in my neck, and called it accupuncture (more like fucking torture), and then wrapped tape around my neck and shoulders and sent me home. 

Guess what?

Now, I have a migraine, AND my neck hurts. 

All I know is, I have 165 days until I leave for my cruise, and 50-60 pounds that I want to lose before I go.  I would have to lose 2 pounds a week STARTING now to lose 50 pounds by the time we set sail. 

I am >thisclose< to saying FUCK the doctors orders - and going running tonight.  And everyday for the next 165 days. 

Oh, and this is my new profile picture everywhere.  This is how I feel 98% of the time. 

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