I am seriously struggling. I had heard about plateus - but damn! I am still sitting where I was at the weigh in at the beginning of the month. I have not lost a pound. I am not doing anything different. I am still eating right. I started Jillian again. I have been using myfitnesspal.com for a while now. I still track my food everyday - every snack - every meal. I track my exercises. When I hit my goal on my weigh in at the beginning of the month - the website prompted me to update my fitness goals. My weight had changed so much, that if I kept eating the same amount of calories/fat/etc - I would not lose any weight. So it recalculated. I lost about 250 calories a day - the rest went down too, but I am not sure by how much. I have stuck to the new calorie count. And NOTHING. I am so discouraged, I am ready to give up. But that is the old me. That is the Fat, Lazy Becky talking. That is the Becky that would eat a whole bag of Doritos because she was sad, or stressed, or for god's sake, was just bored. I got away from her. I didn't like her then, and I am sure I would detest her even more now.
So here is what I am going to do. It's time for a change - well, a few changes. First, I am going to do the Fruit flush again. It helped to kickstart me the first round, why not give it a shot again? Second, I am stepping up to the next level on my Jillian tapes. Maybe some different exercises will help. Third - I need to cut out the carbs. I love carbs. I could literally live on bread and pasta - but I am sure that is why I look and feel the way I do. Gotta go. Fourth - I need to start writing here again every day. When I kept up with this, I was succeeding. I was proud, and had something to write everyday. I have noticed that my posts on here have REALLY fell off, especially since Oct 1st.
I am embarassed of my stalling out. I can't explain it. I really don't know why, and it's frustrating. It's hard to get on here an say "Hey! I ate everything I was supposed to, and drank all my water, and Jillian Kicked my ass - and guess what?!?! I still weigh the same damn thing!!!" I feel like a failure. And I don't want to feel like that. I want to prove to myself more than anyone else that I CAN do this. I think about this stuff all the time. I just don't write, because no one ever reads this but me. And I know this, because I have a handy little tracker on my home page that tells me how many views I get each day, and where they come from. No one has even looked at my weigh in from Oct.1st. When I started this, I asked for support. I asked for my girls to help keep me on track. Krista is the only one that ever even asks me how it's going. No calls, no posts, no texts - no support. And before anyone reads this and gets offended - let me say this. I understand everyone is busy. I know everyone has lives, and families, and friends, and jobs, and cleaning and cooking, and showers to take and everything. TRUST ME, I am aware. I was just trying to explain why I don't post as much. I just had the thought that, If I am the only one reading this - then what's the point. I know what is in my head, what my thoughts and dreams are - without writing it down here. So - Why write?
The answer I came up with? I didn't. I don't know why I continue. But I am.
So - See ya tomorrow.
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