Thursday, April 12, 2012

1 Year, 30 DS results!!!!

I am not sure what happened with the measuring tape on Saturday, but something was off. 

Last night, I get home from work, and start to change into my workout gear.  Matt made some comment that reminded me – I never took the “after” pictures on Saturday.  I was still in my sports bra, so I went and grabbed the camera, and asked Matt to take the pictures for me just like he did last time.  Same outfit.  Same place.  Same lighting.  Same distance. 


Granted, this is not the most dramatic transformation I have ever seen, but… it’s there.  I can see it from all three angles.  In my love handles in the first picture, to my belly in the second, and my back in the third.  I wish I would have done my arms differently in the “before” pictures, but hey.  You live and you learn.  I know better for next time.  So what did I do next, you ask?  I went and looked at the dreaded Easter pictures from last year, and compared them to the ones from this year. 


THOSE pictures are where I really see it.  Especially in my face!  It has thinned out SO much.  You can see my teeth in the pictures from this year!  I never noticed I had gotten so heavy that my face hid my smile.  L  And I only have 3 chins, not 10. 

After seeing these pictures, I am extremely proud of myself and just how far I have come.  I can’t WAIT to see the “after” pictures from Stage 1 of NROLFW!  Plus, by then, I will be 6 weeks into the C25K program!  Ugghhhh!!!!  I really can’t wait.  :D 

Just one small update before you see the pics.   I missed my work out on Tuesday night, which should have been the first night of C25K.  I had some personal matters to attend to that were honestly, just a hell of a lot more important that lifting weights.  So last night, I go to the gym thinking I am just going to lift, and I will push the start date of C25K to – well, tonight.  Then I get to the gym, and realize, I have forgotten my book and my lifting log at home.  I knew that I was supposed to change something – the weight, or the reps – SOMETHING.  But I honestly couldn’t remember what exercises I was supposed to do, and how much, and how long.  So – I started C25K LAST night.

It.  Was.  Awesome.  J  I was so proud of myself.  Day 1 was a 5 minute warm up, intervals of 60 seconds running, then 90 seconds walking, for a total of 20 minutes, followed by the 5 minute cool down.  I walked at 3.2 mph on the treadmill, and ran at 4.9!  In 30 minutes, I completed 1.89 miles!  I felt comfortable, I never had to stop early, or slow down, and I could breathe!  I honestly (can’t believe I am saying this) can’t wait to go running tonight.  #FUCKINSTOKED!!!

Okay, okay…  the pictures…. I know.

First up, the before and after’s from the 30DS – Thank you Jillian.  J

And now, One Years progress – from Easter 2011, to Easter 2012.  Check out little miss Madie too!  Someone must be setting a good example for her…  ;)

Whattya think?!?!  :)


  1. WOO HOO!!! I love it!!! Progress is progress and daaaannnnnngg it girl you've made some progress! I'm so excited for you!!

  2. Becky!!! You are awesome!! The difference is very noticeable!! You are doing so good, I know how hard it is to stay motivated and to keep going!! You look amazing!! :)
