Tuesday, February 7, 2017

February Update

We are already a week into February… and for me, it goes by especially quick.  My birthday was last week (Groundhogs day), so the first week usually passes fast with the celebrations and normal day to day life.  While I may have used last week to splurge just a bit as far as food goes, I didn’t skimp on my workouts.  I didn’t indulge in a bunch of cake or ice cream – but I did have one slice of my favorite pineapple upside down cake.  I did indulge in pasta, and a few bites of not so healthy appetizers – and more than a few drinks.  I believe I budgeted my calories wisely though, because after the good stuff, I’m still maintaining where I was last week.  It’s not a loss – but I’ll take it. 

When it comes to working out – not only did I get my 3 days in at the gym, I also began two new challenges.  I decided on a different squat challenge to continue at work, and then an arm challenge for the house.  I really don’t like my arms, and need to work on upper body, so I thought that would be a good choice.  On top of all that – I got a pretty sweet birthday present – a new rowing machine!  I’m still new to it, and my body is still adjusting, but right now I am getting in between 400-600 strokes (which takes me about 20-30 minutes).  I do have to take breaks, but I’ll get there.  Right now, my top is 150 strokes before I need to rest.  Eventually, I’d like to get to the full 30 minutes without stopping.  It’s good cardio, and is a great total body workout.  I’m really looking forward to the February “After” pictures! 

I also did a Super Bowl Challenge…. 10 squats for this, tricep dips for that, burpees for a field goal, etc.  I was so active during the game, my husband joked I’d lose 50 pounds by the trophy presentation. 

Now that I’ve let go of the excuses, I’m figuring out that I can exercise anywhere at any time.  Since the parties have now passed, it’s time to tighten up on my food just a bit, and see where the month takes me.  I’m GOING to do this! 

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

30 Day Challenge Results!!!

Challenge… Completed. 

I know I haven’t posted much lately – but unlike all the other times I have fallen off posting all the time, I haven’t actually fallen off the wagon this time!  I’ve just been super busy.  Work is crazy busy, plus I have jury duty all day every Friday – so I’m trying to get 40 hours of work completed in a 32 hour work-week. 

Yesterday was January 30th – which was the last day of the 30 Day Body Challenge.  I will be the first to admit – and have on Facebook – that I did miss a few days.  Not many, but a few.  When I looked at the challenge calendar when I first started – I thought, there is no way in the world I will be able to do all those things by the end of 30 days.  300 Jumping Jacks?  250 squats?!?  A 5 minute Plank?!?!  NO.  WAY.  IN.  HELL. 

But – I did it.  And I learned a few things along the way.  First – your fat jiggles just as much as your boobs do when you do jumping jacks.  Like – imagine running a 5K, or doing a 150 jumping jacks without a sports bra on.  THAT’s what it feels like.  Halfway through the month, I set a new goal – to be able to do jumping jacks without my belly hurting.  I’ll get there some day. 

Second – it’s okay to modify things to get through.  Did I literally plank for 5 ENTIRE minutes without stopping?  No – but I broke it down into 2 sets of 2.5 minutes, with a small rest in-between sets.  Same with squats – I didn’t do 250 at once, I did 2 sets of 125.  And that’s OKAY.  This time last year, or even 6 months ago, I would have just quit.  Not this time.  No excuses – just do it – however you have to – just to get it done.    

Third – I hate wall-sits just as much now as I did when I was in high school. 

The work has been paying off though.  I started back on this little journey on November 18th.  Random date – I know.  But since that date, I have lost 21.2 pounds.  I have gone from 49.3% body fat, to 44.7%.  I have lost 20.5 inches.  I can feel a difference. 

I did take before and after pictures this time.  While taking the “after”… I thought this was stupid.  I just don’t see a difference.  And then I put them side by side, and I can see it.  I’m doing it.  And it feels great. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Happy New Year!

Er….  Um…. 10 days late. 

My bad – I’ve been busy!  This is the busiest time of year for us at work – meaning OT almost every day, the kids are back to school, and just for fun – I was selected for Grand Jury duty!  Yay!!  (Insert eye-roll here).  Actually, the Jury Duty isn’t that bad… it’s just trying to make up the missed time at work that is the struggle. 

That being said – I haven’t quit.  I started a new monthly challenge (well, two, actually), and I’ve stuck to it – every day.  I’ve also kept up with going to the gym 3 times a week.  Plus, with this new challenge, well… it’s pretty intense.  And it gets worse (better?) every day.  What started as maybe 5 minutes on the 1st will probably end up being closer to 30 minutes by the end of the month.  The second challenge is a photo challenge that helps document your weight loss journey.

I still haven’t seen major losses on the scale – but that’s okay.  I’m only off by about a pound from where I wanted to be by now, and I know that my body is still trying to figure out just what the hell is going on.  If I keep going, It’s gonna give.  It has to.  I AM still losing weight, and inches.  My percentage of body fat is moving in the right direction, my BMI is changing, and I am starting to SEE changes.  Little ones, but changes. 

And then there’s the workouts.  OH the workouts!!!  Today, I killed it.  And I was SO excited, I was posing for selfies on the Stair Master, and didn’t care who was looking or laughing at me.  So here’s what happened.  The last time I checked in, I was excited because I had surpassed the 4.5 minute mark without stopping.  TODAY – I went 6.5 minutes, and even then, I only stopped for about 45 seconds, then got back on, and didn’t stop until it was over. 


I walked the equivalent of 36 flights of stairs and took ONE break for less than a minute.  I feel like ROCKY at the top of the museum steps!  Every day, I push for just 30 seconds more.  Just 30 more seconds.  I can do ANYTHING for 30 seconds.  Except snakes.  I can’t handle snakes for any amount of time.  Ew.  One day – SOON – I will be posting that I went the whole 10.5 minutes without stopping.  Something that on the first day, I thought was absolutely impossible. 

I am doing impossible things.  And right now, DAY 30 of this new challenge looks impossible – but I thought that about the stair master too.  I CAN do this.