Wednesday, April 20, 2016

5:2 Week One Update

We are now on day 3 of the 5:2 Fast Diet… and so far, I’m impressed.  Monday was hard.  I decided to start this halfway through the morning, and I had already burned through 175 calories on my delicious coffee.  When you only have 500 calories to work with… that’s a lot to burn on coffee.  I used up the remaining calories with two protein shakes (which never tasted so good before…) and half of a raw cucumber.  I MADE myself go to bed – growling stomach and all – so that I wouldn’t eat anything else.  Seriously – I was so close to binging I put myself in timeout. 

Surprisingly, day two was absolutely normal.   I didn’t wake up starving.  I felt like I had more energy throughout the day, and ate like I normally would.  I didn’t eat more than I normally do, in fact, I stayed just over 1600 calories yesterday – which was actually below what I was allowed.  I weighed myself yesterday morning, and had dropped an astonishing 6 pounds.  I thought for sure it was all water weight (and it still may be), but after weighing in again this morning, I hadn’t put it back on.  In fact, I lost three more ounces.  I don’t plan to weigh in everyday once I really get into this – but I kinda want to this first week – just to watch the day to day changes. 

Today is another “normal” day.  I get to eat and exercise normally.  I am trying to stick with my normal routine – a protein shake on the way to work, coffee once I get to the office, water throughout the day, and a protein shake for lunch.  Today, I had my shake, and went shopping at a consignment store.  I picked out a few things in a size I JUST bought last week, and went to the dressing room.  I know that sizes very from brand to brand – but these weren’t even close.  Nothing fit, and I cried.  Then I stood in front of that mirror – wiped away my tears - and took pictures of myself in just a bra and panties.  And THAT is the ugly truth.  So ugly in fact – I won’t be sharing.  First – not sure my husband would be really happy about it, second – Its quite embarrassing.  I will take some pics in workout clothes and post those instead.  I will however keep those pictures as motivation, and as a reminder of what I don’t want to be. 

I REFUSE to buy a larger size – because I won’t be like this for long.  Instead, I am using the money I was planning on spending on clothes, and getting my Planet Fitness Membership.  There is a location 5 minutes from the house, and another one 5 minutes from the office.  I allowed myself my 3 minutes for my pity-party, and to cry over my reflection, and now it’s time to get over it.  I am ALREADY trying to do something about it – so why cry?  Turn the tears into sweat and determination, and make a change. 

Tomorrow is my next fast day – which I can now prepare for.  I already miss my coffee tomorrow, so I am going to have my vanilla cappuccino protein shake as a replacement. 

This only the beginning.  Stay tuned!

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