Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Weekly AND Monthly Weigh-in Day!!!

It's Wednesday, and it's the first, so we get two for one with today's weigh in! Progress is progress, right? While I am not so happy about the actual number in pounds - I will be curious to see what next week brings.

Today, I weighed in at 221.0, but TOM is here. If history has anything to say about it, I am holding 5-6 pounds of water weight. As much as it sucks, I know I'm not getting a true reading of my weight on the scale today. I am actually showing a 1.4 pound GAIN.  BOO.  Trying to stay positive, I decided to check out my monthly measurements.  In the last month, I have lost a total of 5.5 inches, 1.4% body fat, 3.6 pounds of fat, and gained 5 pounds of lean mass. Again, the number is not where I want it, but considering the time of the month, and the other improvements I've made, I'll take it.

Then I decided to take it one step further.  I wonder what my results since the beginning are?!?  So I head back to my February 18th on my handy-dandy FatGirl weightloss tracker version 2.0.  I was surprised and impressed with myself.  Even if the number on the scale hasn't moved that much in a little over 2 months, I personally think the rest of the results are astounding.  6.6 pounds lost, 28.75 inches, 8.3% body fat, 22.3 pounds of fat mass, and a gain of 15.7 pounds of lean mass!  I will post the actual breakdown at the end of this post. 

I know that my body is changing.  Other people have started to comment on it, especially Matt.  And especially when I'm naked.  LOL  I don't really feel that different, or feel that I look that different, but I'm sure that will come eventually. 

In the meantime, Sunday, I started Day ONE of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred in my new workout room in the basement.  Sunday began the countdown... 30 days to Memorial Day.  30 days to bathing suit season.  30 days until summer dresses, and shorts, and other clothes that don't cover fat well.  It's time to get down and get serious.  I have not missed a day.  I am going to spend 10 days at each level, upped my protein intake, and took before pictures.  I will use todays weigh in and measurements for my starting measurements, even though I am a few days late.   I am actually really excited to see what this month brings for me!

 Feb. 18thToday!!!! Results
Neck 1514.0-1.0
Chest43.543.5 -
Abdomen (belly button)45.037.5-7.5
Right Thigh25.2522.75-2.5
Left Thigh25.2522.75-2.5
Right Calf 17.515.5-2.0
Left Calf17.515.5-2.0
Right Arm12.011.5-0.5
Left Arm12.011.5-0.5
Wrist6.06.0 -
Body Fat %46%37.7%-8.3%
Lean Body Mass123.0138.7+15.7
Fat Body Mass104.682.3-22.3

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to you Rebecca! Good attitude! Your plan to spend the next 30 day with Jilian is a great plan.

    Great job on the inches lost. You are doing fantastic!
