Monday, January 28, 2013

Time to see what I'm made of....

I have seriously fallen off the wagon since the beginning of November - and if I i'm really being honest, about a month before that. I stopped working out, I stopped eating right, I stopped drinking water and started back on Mt. Dew again. And I have gained most, if not all of the weight I had lost last year back. Yep. In just 3-4 short months, I undid everything I worked so hard to do last year.

I have been really thinking about this a lot lately.  Not doing anything else about it, just thinking.  Then yesterday, we were at the grocery store. We were in the chip aisle picking out snacks. And Matt said something that sent me into a blind, murderous rage. As I carried a bag of chips to the cart, he said "I thought you were on a diet?" Nothing else. Just a simple question. And I lost it. I threw that bag of chips back that the shelves. Literally - threw it - and I'm pretty sure it hit the floor, but I don't know because I stormed off. Seriously? How dare he?  Like he's Mr. Skinny-works-out-all-the-time.  Pshhhhhhh. 

Until I got about 3 aisles away, and realized - he was right. Here I am, pretending (for who, I don't know) that I am still trying to lead this healthy lifestyle I lived and loved last year. But I'm not. I haven't been tracking calories consistantly. I eat and drink what I want, when I want. I don't work out anymore.  Hell, logging on here this morning showed me my last post was OCTOBER 16th!!!  Just who am I trying to kid? And I was pissed at him, because he called me out on my bullshit.  My attitude changed pretty quickly. 

I headed to a different part of the store, and picked up all my old favorites. When I got home last night, I baked chicken for the week. I hard- boiled eggs. I cut and diced fresh pineapple. I spent an hour cutting vegetables, and putting them in snack sized ziploc baggies. I poured out the entire bag of pretzels, and pre-portioned those out. I did the same with gold fish crackers, and peanuts, and almonds. I made s'mores trail-mix for nights I have a sweet tooth. I told Matt to move his damn Mt. Dew to the fridge in the garage. He can have it, but keep it out of my sight - so I'm not tempted.

To top it off, I asked Madie ( My 11 year old) if she wanted to go to the gym with me tonight. She was soooo excited. She loves, and I mean LOVES to exercise. I told her she might have to force me. When she asked what I meant, I told her - When I get home from work, I am going to be tired, and I'm not going to want to go to the gym. But you keep bugging me until I go. My little Madie girl will hold me accountable.

I figure, if I make a promise to myself to go to the gym, and don't tell anyone about it, it's easy to get out of when I am tired 10 hours from now. BUT - if I get someone else involved - Madie being the obvious choice - then it will be easier to go.

This week, the goals are simple. Drink water, not Mt. Dew. Eat the pre-portioned, healthy snacks that I worked so hard to prepare. Get to the gym 4 times this week, and lose 2 pounds by next Monday.

And if I lose 2 pounds per week from now until my wedding, I will reach my ultimate goal weight of 165 pounds by the time I walk down the aisle.


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