Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Let's get real....

I have not been faithful in keeping up with this blog, but I do have news to report… both good and bad.  Bad news first, cause that always sucks.  I got on the scale this morning (shaking my damn head at myself.  I know better…) and I am officially up 10 pounds.  Now, because I know more about myself and my weight, now more than ever before – I know that is this NOT 10 pounds of fat.  It’s 10 pounds of beer, and sodium, and water weight, and *maybe* even some muscle.  But, the scale is moving the wrong way, and the inches aren’t moving where I want them too.   It has really been a struggle to get back into a routine after my Migraine hiatus.  

After it was all said and done, I had about 8 weeks where I was not working out or eating properly, and I am sure that this has contributed to that ghastly number I saw on the scale this morning.  But, I did what any rational, health obsessed person would do, and I took my measurements.  While they were not where I wanted them to be, they were where I expected them to be.  Over the last few weeks I have been getting better.  I have been hitting the gym.  I have been doing my C25K.  I have been lifting, but I have not been following the NROLFW program the way I was before.  I have just being doing squats and deadlifts and, well, the exercises I LIKED doing.  I have been getting back to eating right, but I am not perfect.  I have slipped more often than not, and this hot weather, and cold beer, and family and neighborhood BBQ’s have made it hard to stay on track.  

Now, when I get into a position like this, I usually hit the internet for inspiration.  I look at MFP and the success stories.  I look at what other programs I could be doing that would produce greater results.  I go to Pintrest and find motivational quotes and pictures… which I have been doing.  But I am feeling inspired today – without the help of digitally enhanced photos, promises of miracle drugs, and homemade body wraps.  Really, you want me to rub what on my belly, and then wrap myself in saran-wrap?!?!  Sorry, but the chapter of my life that included saran-wrap dresses is closed.  That was college, and I was drunk and don’t remember it anyway.  ;) My inspiration came a little closer to home – so to speak.  One person that I look at all the time is my friend Tiffany, from MFP (OnWisconsin84).  She is outspoken, and foul-mouthed, just like me, and she is a TRUE inspiration.  This woman has lost 110 pounds – and did it the right way.  And now, this bitch has abs to DIE for, guns like you wouldn’t believe, and rocks the shit out of a Mohawk.  She still struggles every day.  She LOVES beer, and has mental arguments with herself over Fruity Pebbles.  Sometimes she caves – but she makes it work.  And if she has a bad weekend, it doesn’t send her into a blind eating binge.  She forgets it, and gets back to work.  Back to normal.  

The other driving force in me today is my friend Crystal.  This girl – OMG, I love her.  A little background first;  Crystal sent me a text a while ago (many months ago) and asked me for some advice.  She wanted to start losing weight, and working out, and asked me what I had been doing.  We talked for a LONG time that day, and I told her everything I could think of – starting off with a little piece of wisdom my Heather gave me.  Jillian Michaels – 30 Day Shred.  Crystal lives in Wisconsin, so I really don’t see her or talk to her all that often (She was Heather’s roommate in college, and I met Crystal through Heather).  Last week, she posted some new pictures on FB – and she looked PHENOMENAL.  On Sunday, Heather called to check in.  We did a quick rundown of what had been going on in both our lives.  And I mean QUICK.  She was hung over and sick, and on her way home from an over-night camping trip to see the DMB.  *Jealous*.  So towards the end of the conversation, we started talking about Crystal.  Heather tells me that Crystal has officially met her 50 pounds lost mark!  50 POUNDS!!!  Now this chick – ugh.  If only I had her will power.  She goes to the gym TWICE a day, and packs her own salad to go to a BBQ.  Who does that?  It’s frickin incredible is what that is.   These two women are REAL.  They have good days and bad days.  Tiffany reminds me that it’s okay to have a bowl of Fruity Pebbles once in a while, and that Orange Leaf ice cream may or may not be the devil, but she’s gonna eat it anyway.  And still look FAN-DAMN-TASTIC.  Crystal reminds me that I still have a long way to go – and maybe packing your own salad for a BBQ isn’t such a bad idea.  She works her ass off, and it is paying off in a big (50 POUNDS!!!) way.  

I knew that I had been eating cleaner, and working out more – so the scale confused me this morning.  Instead of diving head first into a plate of Oh-SO-Delicious McDonalds breakfast – I made my protein shake, and went to work.  I figured out that I had not recalculated my BMR or TDEE since the beginning.  Because of my loss (even with the 10 pound gain recorded by the demonic electronic device in my bathroom), my BMR was off by over 300 calories!  Which is GOOD news.  Number one, I have lost enough weight for my body to not need as many calories just to function.  It also explains why I might be gaining a pound or two.  Because of the change in BMR – I wasn’t eating at a deficit.   I have reset my goals on MFP to show the right number of calories I should be eating. 

I have got my plan of action in place.  My iPod is charged, and my headphones are ready.  I have a twitch in my foot because I know I am going to have to wait about 12 hours before I can get home, change and get to the gym to work out.  I know that MY program with produce faster results, if I just stick to it.  It’s time to tighten it up, and get to work.  I realize that this is all part of my journey.  I am learning all the time.  If something isn’t working, it doesn’t mean it’s broken.  Maybe it needs an adjustment, like the idle on a carburetor , or a recharge of the batteries.  In my case, it was both.  The rest period is over.  My batteries are fully charged.  The adjustments to my diet have been made.  Now it’s time to get to work.  131 days until we set sail.  131 days until I will be in the best shape of my life.  

And I can’t wait.  THAT’s real. 

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