Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Hiatus is over

Wow - Two years since I've posted.  I'm sure everybody has forgotten about this by now, but I'm still here - and still struggling. 

My current weight is 226.4 - which is about 20 pounds heavier than I was in my last post - when I apparently freaked the fuck out (I'll blame it on Wedding stress - LOL).  I am at 42.5% body fat.  I have been back at it for about a month now, and I haven't lost much.  I am *hoping* that my body is just adjusting to the changes I am making. 

I am drinking about a gallon of water a day.  I am trying to get in about 1740 calories each day (plus eating back my exercise calories).  I joined the Wellness Committee at work, and started a C25K running group.  I have about 12 members now, and we just started week 1 this past Monday.  We will be running in a 5K at the end of August.  After that, I hope to continue to train (I downloaded the C210K app) and eventually run my first 10K this year.  I have been walking on my lunch breaks at work, and a few nights a week with the dogs.  I have done Yoga on my off days this week, and am doing a push-up/squat challenge each day.

On top of it, I am gradually trying to quit smoking - so that should be fun. 

I keep telling myself that this is it.  This is going to be the time that I am successful.  This is the time I will wear a Bikini and be proud of it.  This is the time that I will make changes that will last a lifetime, and not a summer.  I just need to take it one day, one run, one meal, one pound at a time.  I CAN do this. 

Right?  Right.